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C-I-TASSER results for CIT55

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 Input Sequence in FASTA format
 Predicted Secondary Structure
 Predicted Solvent Accessibility
 Predicted contact map used in C-I-TASSER simulation
 Top 10 threading templates used by C-I-TASSER
 Top 1 final models from C-I-TASSER

 Proteins with similar structure
 Predicted Gene Ontology (GO) Terms
 Predicted Enzyme Commission (EC) Numbers
 Predicted Ligand Binding Sites

[Click result.zip to download all results on this page]

  • Wei Zheng, Chengxin Zhang, Yang Li, Robin Pearce, Eric W. Bell, Yang Zhang Folding non-homology proteins by coupling deep-learning contact maps with I-TASSER assembly simulations. Cell Reports Methods, 1: 100014 (2021).